Seven Mugs on helsinkiläinen rock n' roll - bändi. Soitamme suurella sydämellä mm. Neil Young -, Doors-, Tom Petty -, Pink Floyd -, Beatles- ja Rollari-covereita... AINA ISOSTI!
Kalusto mitoitetaan sopivaksi keikkapaikan mukaan katusoitosta stadionille!
I always said that I would give my left hand if I´d have the voice of John Fogerty. Good Golly, we already have the voice of Fogerty right here in Helsinki! It belongs to Marc Aulén, the vocalist of a good ol´rock band by the name of Seven Mugs. And yes the way he sways and moves his arms would make Joe Cocker happy in his heavenly choir.
Solisti Marcilla ja bändin pojilla oli asenne kohdallaan! Koska on kyseessä kunnon rokkibändi, musiikki ei sovellu taustamusiikiksi vaan on selkeä ohjelmanumero. Juhlatila kannattaa olla riittävän suuri, jotta bändikamat mahtuvat ja jää tilaa tanssia, sillä lattialle piti päästä rokkaamaan! Suosittelen lämpimästi kaikille rockin ystäville!
Seven Mugs have several times brought their entertaining show to our ship. They always offer sincere, big interpretations of yesterdays big hits. Helsinki has a huge amount of coverbands on offer, some good and some not so good but I can honestly recommend Seven Mugs to any venue in need of a rock n' roll band who really know their shit!
I happened to hear Seven Mugs play in bar in Lauttasaari, Helsinki and what a positive surprise it was! It was like going back in time to the sixties when we played the big arenas but with Seven Mugs as the supporting artist. The magnificent singer was charged with energy, they had well chosen songs and the band sounded bombastic. Thank you!
I've seen Seven Mugs and Marc on stage and I can highly recommend the band for any venue! Pure rock n´roll with hints of a Mick Jaggeresque rawness combined with the bands feelgood vibe. All you need to get the party started!
I saw Seven Mugs play at a birthday party gig. They know how to rock peoples socks off! You won't be disappointed with their performance!
Kokemamme perusteella suosittelemme.
Loistava meno ja meininki!
Seven Mugs on vuosien ajan soittanut kesäkeikan (tai kaksi) ravintola Loiston terassilla Helsingin Aurinkolahdessa.
Fiilis on joka kerta ollut fantastinen eikä Seven Mugs koskaan petä!
Iso suositus!
Ainoa bändi joka sai tuvan täyteen!
Ravintola Wave, Porvoo
YES, WE WANT MORE!!!! The best 1.5 hours of my trip!! Didn't want to miss a second of it!!!
TingLong Chow
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